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RSS Southernn

Reward Points:9
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Not all marijuana or any drugs to be fact can be proven as an stress reliever. If there were a placebo effect experiment maybe the data would show different, but it's more of an opinion or preference than a fact.

southernn(9) Clarified
3 points

Jails will be less overcrowded because there will be less arrests for possession of marijuana.

southernn(9) Clarified
1 point

I totally agree many people may cause problems while they're high and it may lead to numerous problems.

1 point

Just because marijuana is legalized doesn't mean people will become any more addicted than they already were. The government will regulate the recreational marijuana to overcome addictions.

5 points

The police will have to make less arrests for possession of marijuana and more money for the state because that's less people they have to pay for in jail.

6 points

The tax from legal marijuana will go to the state and create more money for the state. Making opportunities for more businesses and public buildings.

1 point

Many people will be publicly high which can cause some problems depending on the person and how they act. It will be like a DUI situation.

1 point

The black market business for weed will steadily decline which means some people will be out of financial support. While this happens their revenue will go to legal vendors.

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