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Marijuana should be legal. Marijuana should not be legal.
Debate Score:143
Total Votes:164
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 Marijuana should be legal. (48)
 Marijuana should not be legal. (23)

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PD5: Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

Marijuana should be legal.

Side Score: 110
Winning Side!

Marijuana should not be legal.

Side Score: 33
7 points

If legalized, marijuana can be taxed which would produce billions of dollars annually in profit which in turn would help our nation get out of debt. Cannabis farms can be set up as well, and growing and harvesting marijuana can become a profession thus lowering the unemployment rate.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
mundyh Disputed
4 points

the government will try to grow as much as possible as fast as possible. They are putting pesticides on the plants which is unhealthy and making people sick.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

Marijuana could eventually replace or help cut our taxes, in it could help fix the roads.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree. Cannabis farms will generate a lot of revenue, which would help our economy.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
6 points

The tax from legal marijuana will go to the state and create more money for the state. Making opportunities for more businesses and public buildings.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

Marijuana should be legalized because it actually cures some pain. For example, when girls have bad cramps marijuana could help the problme

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
5 points

The police will have to make less arrests for possession of marijuana and more money for the state because that's less people they have to pay for in jail.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

Weed could help alleviate medical problems. This could also lead to cures other diseases. If we don't allow ourselves to be open to new things then we can't progress.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

right, it could cure some health problems. Marijuana is not bad if you know how to be responsible about it

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree because it also stops cancer from spreading into your body. If we don't have weed, then more people will be dying.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
-1 points

What if people get addicted to the drug? What if people make bad economic decisions due to the drug? Yes, it could alleviate medical problems but if the person becomes cured and doesn't stop the drug, then it becomes an addiction. It ruins your brain cells and makes it hard for people to concentrate.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
RobinsonS(4) Disputed
1 point

It is rare if at all that you will become addicted to weed. The prescription drugs that they have to help people now that are legal have more addictive properties then marijuana the reasons they dont want to legalize marijuana is because the prescription drug "company" they get money off of people buying those drugs to try and find a way to solve medical problems if it was legal then those prescription drug companies would have less of a market due to the fact marijuana can help multiple things that prescription drugs cannot.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
4 points

Once weed is legalized there will be less illegal activity to sell. More would be open to ask for a prescription rather than go looking for drug dealers. This could also become safer for people who find a comfort in weed to be open to their doctor.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

This would make it easier for people to ask questions and be honest with their doctors. This may eliminate the need for people to defy authority. Although, there may be more drugs sold if people no longer have to be scared about selling drugs. This may open the gate way for people to sell drugs out in the open which would not be good for young kids to see.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

If marijuana is legalized jails would be less overcrowded.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

Jail charges could be dropped and many would be reunited with families. The charges of carrying weed is ridiculous and overbearing. Too many have been put away for trying to make ends meet, regardless if its right or wrong getting 15 to life is completely unfair. Charges should be dropped if marijuana becomes legal.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
southernn(9) Clarified
3 points

Jails will be less overcrowded because there will be less arrests for possession of marijuana.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Police would make less arrests with people who have marijuana because of it does less damage.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

If this drug becomes legal it will reduce drug trafficking since it will be more available here in the US.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
TorresS(7) Disputed
2 points

That isn't true because teens will still try to get it younger and younger

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
4 points

Marijuana has never caused any overdoses/death, but tobacco kills around 6 million people on average a year.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
4 points

Marijuana should be legal because one study estimates their nationwide marijuana legalization would save governments $8.7 billion each year.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

It will be better for the environment since it will most likely be in large demand. People will start growing it and cultivating it.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

Marijuana should be legalized because it is a stress reliever

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

I agree because it can help people relax and can help glaucoma for people who have a hard time seeing.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
andersonm14(4) Clarified
1 point

Weed is an anti-depressant, it can cure cancer, and can give the user restful sleep.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
southernn(9) Disputed
1 point

Not all marijuana or any drugs to be fact can be proven as an stress reliever. If there were a placebo effect experiment maybe the data would show different, but it's more of an opinion or preference than a fact.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
0 points

To a certain extent if the doctor prescribes it and for a short amount of time. If they get marijuana for illegal purposes then that isn't right. Although if they use it for medical reasons then yes, it is okay.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

Yes it should be legal because right now 20 or more states are legalizing weed because people need it for medical reasons so they won't get sick or die. Plus with weed being legalized, there would be less crimes. It can cure diseases, save money and creates jobs for people who are unemployed. It can also prevent people for having seizures, slows tumor growth, and treats migraines. What people don't get is that it stops cancer and we all know that cancer is the biggest problem in the world right now. The US needs marijuana to be legalized because it can save people's lives.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

Many are looking for creative ways to increase income to pay for everything from road repairs to new parks and is an effective treatment for a range of conditons.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
3 points

Of course it should be legal. Cigarettes are legal and they have more harmful toxins. so if somebody wants to ruin their body that's their choice. People ruin their bodies with food all the time and food is legal.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Marijuana is not a harmful drug, in fact it is much safer then alcohol and tobacco. Prohibition also causes enormous social costs. Police spend thousands of hours imprisoning marijuana smokers mostly or nothing more then possession of cannabis for personal use, there are more then 600,000 arrest each year for marijuana compared to 200,000 for cocaine. These arrest are taking away from more urgent issues. some facts say that each year enforcing laws on possession cost more than 3.6 billion. Cannabis has legit medical uses. Just to list some it can help epilepsy, along with pain from AIDS and nausea from chemotherapy also Crohn's disease and muscle spasms. Also legalization wont lead to increased use because legal substances can be controlled in ways illegal ones cannot. It can also help the government generate additional revenue. Also cannabis is easy to grow and environmentally friendly which could help stop drug trade. Legalization could also help produce more jobs.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Yes it helps creativity too and will help a lot of people with epilepsy

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

If it became legal then people who are addicted to it will be more open about it and about getting help. They won't get judged as much since everyone will be able to use the drug.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

if weed does become legal drug dealers might loose their job and policeman pay will probably go down. Cause they like to arrest people for petty stuff like smoking weed

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

Marijuana should be legal because it's very unlikely that you will overdose and maybe people would stop doing other drugs that you can overdose on very easily.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Many people who buy Marijuana usually buy it laced or mixed with other drugs. At points the consumer may think they are consuming Marijuana but in reality it isn't. With the legalization of it the FDA will most likely check the drug before it selling it to the consumer thus preventing the mixture of other drugs.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Sativa can cause increased creativity and activity in an individual.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Most people think that weed just makes you sleepy and cause a loss of motivation but it depends on the strain.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

It depends on how much you use marijuana, if you use it all the time for the "feeling" your exactly right.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

If it becomes legal there will be more scientific research about it.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

There will be an increase of tourism here in the US since it isn't legal in most countries. Thus bringing even more money into the economy.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Legalizing marijuana would provide wider access for medicinal use. Individuals both inside and outside the medical field argue that marijuana is effective in treating a wide range of health conditions, such as epilepsy, post traumatic stress disorder, Crohn's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Marijuana is also believed to help with certain mental illnesses (depression, anxiety, etc). It is used as a pain reliever for radiation therapy/chemotherapy patients as well. The decriminalization of marijuana usage would allow more people to use the drug for its believed health benefits.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because it is safer then a lot of things that are legal, such as alcohol which can increase violence in people but there has never been someone reported because of being aggressive while high.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Marijuana should be legal because it offers a wider variety for medical purposes, and its a revenue boost.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

The legalization of recreational marijuana would promote consumer safety and create jobs. Marijuana product testing is a standard requirement for legalized marijuana markets, this means that consumers are better informed about the cannabis they use. Testing the marijuana for mold, bacteria, or any other problems/impurities should be required to ensure quality and safety. Also, legalizing and regulating cannabis would create jobs and economic opportunities.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

If Marijuana become legal then it will open the door for more drugs to become legal as well. For example the people will start asking for other drugs to become legal as well and if not it will be seen as unfair.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
2 points

People would try to protest and try to reason legalizing other dangerous drugs. This could be blown out of proportion. People would argue to legalize heroin and maybe even cocaine. Rehabilitation drug centers will skyrocket.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
andersonm14(4) Disputed
0 points

People would not try to legalize heroin and crack because first of all there is a big difference between weed and hard drugs like heroin. Heroin could never be legalized because it has no good effect and it cause tons of deaths. In contrast weed has never killed anyone directly and is only addictive to 1 out of 10 people.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

If weed becomes addiction it could elevate you to higher drugs. Weed could soon lead to crack, heroin, etc. This could also cause dependency on the drug. More people could neglect the positive effects of marijuana and abuse it.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
southernn(9) Disputed
1 point

Just because marijuana is legalized doesn't mean people will become any more addicted than they already were. The government will regulate the recreational marijuana to overcome addictions.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
davisd46(5) Disputed
1 point

No because other drugs like crack, heroin and etc. are being abused by people. Weed and other drugs are two different things. Weed can be legalized because of it's positive effects on others. Crack and Heroin can not be legalized because it is a dangerous drug and it will ruin people's lives permanently.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
settlesa2(4) Disputed
1 point

It depends on how often you smoke marijuana. If you do get addicted you could get recovered.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
2 points

It can cause problems when driving. Since smoking it will "become normal" people will most likely be high when driving causing accidents.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
southernn(9) Clarified
1 point

I totally agree many people may cause problems while they're high and it may lead to numerous problems.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
RobinsonS(4) Disputed
1 point

It is more likely for someone who is under the influence of alcohol to cause problems/ violence then it is for someone who is high.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
davisd46(5) Disputed
1 point

Alcohol caused more accidents than weed does. Weed does not cause major problems like other drugs do.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
settlesa2(4) Disputed
1 point

However, Marijuana does cause major damage to the body over the years.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

I agree. When someone is under the influence, their perception is distorted, so it's more likely that they will cause traffic accidents.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

It is a Gateway drug. Especially for people with addictive personalities. For instance, someone with an addictive personality running in their family will be more likely to be addicted and move on to a more dangerous drug.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
mundyh Disputed
3 points

if people with addictive properties were addicted to marijuana then they would use that as an escape. Alcohol is a gateway drug that is more dangerous and causes aggression. Weed isn't harmful on its own. If an individual moves to other drugs that are more dangerous than that is an individual issue.

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Studies show that constantly using Marijuana causes infertility.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

The black market business for weed will steadily decline which means some people will be out of financial support. While this happens their revenue will go to legal vendors.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
TorresS(7) Disputed
1 point

It will put more people in jobs with more openings at dispensaries

Side: Marijuana should be legal.
1 point

Many people will be publicly high which can cause some problems depending on the person and how they act. It will be like a DUI situation.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

If it became legal it still would not be "legal" everywhere. For example people would most likely not be able to have it in schools or while traveling with it on planes. They would still be more prone to getting arrested.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

it should not be legalized because people like to take abuse of it and it can cause health issues

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

It should not be legal because when your high it can be very dangerous and cause something like a car accident.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

if weed does become legal drug dealers might loose their job and policeman pay will probably go down. Cause they like to arrest people for petty stuff like smoking weed

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

Weed should not be legal because adolescence that smoke are more likely to drop out of high school.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

Marijuana shouldn't be legal because it offers more crime and sometimes we need to be limited. Marijuana is very addictive and its hard to stop smoking it. It could seriously mess up your entire life.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

Since marijuana is a drug, its usage can cause people to experience a high that alters/impairs their perception and judgement. There have been several incidences where someone under the influence of cannabis has caused a traffic accident. In fact, study shows that marijuana is one of the most prevalent drugs found in fatally injured and impaired drivers.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
1 point

It is believed that marijuana is a gateway drug that can potentially introduce users to more serious illegal substances. Also, if marijuana became legal, the drug would be more accessible to children.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.
-1 points

Weed could be very addicting. This could cause more problems with substance abuse. People could abuse weed like they have with prescription medication.

Side: Marijuana should not be legal.