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Mulkeyb's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Marijuana should be legalize because of the cause of reduce harms. The criminalization of marijuana use disproportionately harms young people and of massive levels of violence and corruption. The level harm is controlling of what everyone is thinking while taking this drug. The harm of Marijuana is that it can be physical and mental because smoking marijuana clearly damages the human lung. Smoking marijuana can harm more than just the lungs and respiratory system, it can also affect the immune system and the body's ability to fight disease.

1 point

While making marijuana legal it will allow people with sickness that can't get help to treat themselves that the no one thinks it will increase their accuracy of feeling better. Some people think that it won't help them out because of not believing drugs will help with the sickness but more states are passing the law that people are allowed to use medical marijuana. Marijuana can sometimes help those natural chemicals work better,our body already makes marijuana-like chemicals that affect pain.

1 point

I agree with you 100% because anything you have so much your going to be addicted to just like you said having so much caffeine makes your addicted to it more than marijuana and I think this is correct because of having it so many times.

1 point

I 100% agree what your saying, although marijuana metabolites can remain in a body for days or even weeks after use, we have no accurate way of telling if those people were legally impaired by marijuana at the time. If they smoke too it's going to give a more cause to lung affects and body problems. Some people aren't fine through the day, while some people have to smoke so many times a day to get the stress done and over with with smoking.

1 point

No matter what drug you use it is going to harm your body and others who take the drug. It doesn't matter which one, each drug has a different affect on everyone. SO why people shouldn't have it so they don't cause others they will just find another reason to cause another drug. Heavy recreational use affect in the brains of young adults. They get it more about this age because of still processing into childhood.

1 point

If they need so badly, maybe they should try something different because Marijuana is just another drug people are addicted to. What we need so badly is shelter not drugs that make us lose our memories with other people. No one needs drugs that badly, because the drug can be always harmful no matter what!

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