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Hillg4's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hillg4's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with this, it does introduce many people into new drugs.

1 point

Marijuana is not just not another drug people are addicted too. It helps many people who struggle with illnesses.

1 point

I agree with this because you do not know what is in the weed when you buy it off of the street someone could have laced it with another drug..

1 point

I agree, you make your choice between your demons.. Either way your lungs are filling up with guck and tar. You make your own choices.

1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because it is a gateway to other drugs. It could lead you to trying other things besides weed. Leading to things that are not safe.

2 points

Marijuana should not be legal because it alters your perception, meaning that you could get into a wreck or do something you won't remember. You could hurt someones family. That would be something you'd have to live with forever. Plus that jail time that you would more than likely have to serve.

2 points

Making marijuana legal would also allow people with illnesses to treat themselves in case the doctor doesn't believe that it will help, but that person may believe that it helps with their illness. Some Doctors may believe that it will help their patients but not everyone is going to go to that doctor.

3 points

If we make marijuana legal, it will lower the organized crime rate. If people could get marijuana for 1) easier without getting in trouble, they're going obviously go with that, 2) they are spending more money but they wouldn't be getting in trouble.

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