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Foltzm's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Foltzm's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Yes this is very true. Kids learn from their elders and can cause kids to think its okay to do drugs like marijuana.

2 points

This is very true. Smoking marijuana is very harmful and shouldn't be a factor of someone's life.

1 point

Yes this is true but it is usually when there are other drugs laced into it so if it were legal, there would be control making sure other drugs aren't put in the substance.

2 points

Yes it can do this but something that's legal, cigarettes, has that can cause many different brutal diseases. So if dangerous cigarettes are legal, why not make Marijuana legal?

1 point

I agree with this argument. It definitely is a choice and up to the person and what drugs they put in their body. And it is very true with how cigarettes affect the body a lot more than marijuana.

1 point

I support this argument because you are completely right. It is very dangerous to be putting unknown substances into your body. At least with legalized marijuana, there will less danger with this drug.

1 point

This is true for come people but there are different reactions to the use of marijuana. For some people, they tend to get nervous because of the loss of control from marijuana. So this may not be necessarily true and a reason for marijuana to be legalized.

1 point

But there is already medical use for marijuana. This is about recreational use and how that would affect us.

2 points

People believe that cigarettes are worse for your lungs than marijuana, but that isn't necessarily true. Yes cigarettes are very bad for the lungs but marijuana has double the amount of carcinogens than cigarettes. There are so many because with marijuana, people inhale it deeper than a cigarette. Knowing all the diseases a cigarette can cause just imagine the harm marijuana can cause with that many carcinogens. In conclusion, Marijuana should not be legal.

2 points

Marijuana should not be legal because it is extremely harmful to the important organs in the body. One is the brain. Marijuana can cause a bad memory along with a damaged brain. The brain is damaged because marijuana causes the blood vessels to be compressed/restricted causing blood not to get to the brain completely.

1 point

Marijuana should be legal because there would be more control and safety. Not only would it be safer according to crime, but it is a safer product. When marijuana is bought off the street, what could be in the drug is unknown. It could be laced with different drugs that could make it extremely dangerous. If it is legal, whats inside the marijuana will be controlled and known.

1 point

Marijuana should be legal because there will be less money that goes towards organized crime. For example, there wouldn't be anymore marijuana drug deals which would definitely reduce the amount of crime the US is faced with.

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