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Winston Sociology

Edwardst's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Edwardst's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree because when some people smoke they loose weight either because they snack on the right foods or because they don't find the need to eat as much as they did before.

1 point

If marijuana were legal there would be increased revenue in stores because when people get high they get the munchies!

1 point

You never hear about someone getting into an accident high, but you do hear about people getting into accidents drunk. When people are high they become mellow and it actually helps them focus.

0 points

Cigarettes are harmful to your lungs as well, but it is legal.

1 point

There is an increased chance of the drug falling into the hands of children and teenagers.

1 point

When a person buys weed off the street, there is no way they would exactly know what dangerous substances are cut into it. On the other hand, current legalization efforts create a framework for a safety control system, which will work to get rid of the risk coming from smoking marijuana. On the streets almost every year someone produces a bad batch of some sort of drug and users O.D. Like last year there was a bad batch of heroin in Indiana it apparently had elephant tranquillisers in it and everyone start dropping like flies.

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