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Winston Sociology

Arteagao4's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Arteagao4's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Alcohol does the same thing and yet that is still legal, so why should the standards be different.

1 point

Not everyone who smokes marijuana a lot is doing out of recreational purposes, some use it for medicinal purposes. Also, legalizing marijuana doesn't mean everyone will abuse it.

arteagao4(10) Clarified
2 points

In other words the drug makes it easier/faster for you to lose sense of what is real and what is not.

2 points

One study found that "Regular use of marijuana can hasten the onset of psychotic illnesses. In fact, high-dose THC – one of the most widely studied molecules in the marijuana plant – has been found to cause acute/transient psychosis."

arteagao4(10) Clarified
1 point

For example, they would have longer to focus on violent crimes or crimes concerning murders.

1 point

I agree! And many studies show tobacco is worse for you and it is more addictive.

1 point

If you use marijuana a lot you will build a tolerance to it, causing you to need more and more to feel this way. Soon you may be addicted to it.

2 points

One study found marijuana has 50-70% higher levels of carcinogens than tobacco smoke.

1 point

Legalizing marijuana would also let people have much easier access to it. This would make it more likely for more people to start abusing it.

2 points

Legalizing marijuana is not a good idea because it is very addictive and it would cause a more people to become addicted.This would happen because they would have an easier access to it.

3 points

Legalizing marijuana would give the police time to attend to other bigger crimes are that are more dangerous rather than focusing on catching drug users.

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