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Winston Sociology

Sowm's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sowm's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

People would try to protest and try to reason legalizing other dangerous drugs. This could be blown out of proportion. People would argue to legalize heroin and maybe even cocaine. Rehabilitation drug centers will skyrocket.

3 points

Jail charges could be dropped and many would be reunited with families. The charges of carrying weed is ridiculous and overbearing. Too many have been put away for trying to make ends meet, regardless if its right or wrong getting 15 to life is completely unfair. Charges should be dropped if marijuana becomes legal.

2 points

If weed becomes addiction it could elevate you to higher drugs. Weed could soon lead to crack, heroin, etc. This could also cause dependency on the drug. More people could neglect the positive effects of marijuana and abuse it.

-1 points

Weed could be very addicting. This could cause more problems with substance abuse. People could abuse weed like they have with prescription medication.

4 points

Once weed is legalized there will be less illegal activity to sell. More would be open to ask for a prescription rather than go looking for drug dealers. This could also become safer for people who find a comfort in weed to be open to their doctor.

4 points

Weed could help alleviate medical problems. This could also lead to cures other diseases. If we don't allow ourselves to be open to new things then we can't progress.

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