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Winston Sociology

RobinsonS's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of RobinsonS's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It is rare if at all that you will become addicted to weed. The prescription drugs that they have to help people now that are legal have more addictive properties then marijuana the reasons they dont want to legalize marijuana is because the prescription drug "company" they get money off of people buying those drugs to try and find a way to solve medical problems if it was legal then those prescription drug companies would have less of a market due to the fact marijuana can help multiple things that prescription drugs cannot.

1 point

It is more likely for someone who is under the influence of alcohol to cause problems/ violence then it is for someone who is high.

1 point

Weed should not be legal because adolescence that smoke are more likely to drop out of high school.

1 point

Marijuana should be legal because it is safer then a lot of things that are legal, such as alcohol which can increase violence in people but there has never been someone reported because of being aggressive while high.

2 points

Marijuana is not a harmful drug, in fact it is much safer then alcohol and tobacco. Prohibition also causes enormous social costs. Police spend thousands of hours imprisoning marijuana smokers mostly or nothing more then possession of cannabis for personal use, there are more then 600,000 arrest each year for marijuana compared to 200,000 for cocaine. These arrest are taking away from more urgent issues. some facts say that each year enforcing laws on possession cost more than 3.6 billion. Cannabis has legit medical uses. Just to list some it can help epilepsy, along with pain from AIDS and nausea from chemotherapy also Crohn's disease and muscle spasms. Also legalization wont lead to increased use because legal substances can be controlled in ways illegal ones cannot. It can also help the government generate additional revenue. Also cannabis is easy to grow and environmentally friendly which could help stop drug trade. Legalization could also help produce more jobs.

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