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Winston Sociology

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Mint_tea's Reward Points: 4641

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Humans are not Apex Predators
1 Added Argument Do you worrying about gender pronouns and cultural appropriation?
4 Added Argument Have you noticed that women with big boobs always seem to be smiling?
1 Added Argument New evidence proves that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus.
1 Added Argument Who hates who the most? The libs hating right wingers, or right wingers hating the libs?
1 Added Argument Is there anything wrong with changing how you act depending on the environment or crowd?
1 Added Argument Should United Airlines sack the 300 non-vaxer staff members?
1 Added Argument The media is trying to start a civil war, but why?
1 Added Argument The question is, If Biden is the best the Dems have, what are the rest like?
1 Added Argument Who should replace Donald Trump as leader of the Republican Party?
1 Added Argument Trumps website CANCELLS Muslims. I thought they didn't BELIEVE in cancel culture. Bwa, ha
1 Added Argument Al’s here. Whoopdido

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