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Winston Sociology

Massor's Waterfall RSS

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massor(8) Clarified
1 point

I agree withthe slowed reactin times and altered perception of reality it would be unsafe to drive

1 point

The same could be said for alcohol and thats still legal the only real reason marijuana isnt legal is because the government cant effectively

1 point

Smoking is not the only way recreational marijuana may be used there is other things such as edibles either way if it is as dangerous than tobacco should also be banned

1 point

Marijuana is a proven gateway drug that leads to harmful and more addictive drugs

1 point

Marijuana should not be legal because the smoke is just as dangerous cigarette smoke and can cause harm to the lungs.

massor(8) Clarified
1 point

Oh, do not worry the usernames were our teacher's idea it is a combination of our last name with our middle initial. The fast pace is people trying to get it done quickly for our grade

0 points

But it is still addictive and shouldn't be legal if it is harmful to anyone.

2 points

I find it strange that you're in our class discussion. But is ok you can stay

0 points

The use of medical marijuana is already legal but recreational is a whole different topic with a lot of negatives

1 point

I agree with all the money going to criminals it would be much better in the hands of our government

3 points

I definitely agree with all the added income we can get that wall up in no time!!

2 points

Marijuana should be legal because it will provide the police more resources to go after More serious crimes like crimes involving violence, or serious drugs.

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