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Leek15's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Leek15's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It not being legal can make someone realise what they have and what they are sacrificing when doing this drug.

1 point

It isn't as bad as other harder drugs. it may be a gateway but at the same time you wouldn't see a person spazzing out and acting crazy and unconditionally erotic toward others because they haven't had marijuana.

1 point

Marijuana hasn't had deaths due to smoking the drug and even if there were deaths it was probably due to a person getting shot not the actual drug itself.

1 point

I support this topic because when under the influence there is a blurred line within decision making.

1 point

The minimum age from marijuana starts at around 12, and if it was legal the minimum age whether a parent is around or not , will go down further in age.

1 point

I disagree because it can also enhance those same disorders depending on the dept of the drug and how heavy it can effect the person as well.

1 point

Marijuana shouldn't be legalised because of the families that have been affected in a negative way wouldn't have a form of justice due to the foul nature of the drug.

1 point

Marijuana should be legal because of the fact that it could be a clear economical profit within the United States . The only reason it isn't legal is because the government doesn't have a clear shot on how to make a profit from it legally without the taxation.

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