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Daya13's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Daya13's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

marijuana is not likely to cause "real " damage it not the worse drug

1 point

not true because even though they are "high" they can still function but they cannot function properly there will be things they do but it will be off and not as normal

1 point

it should because it is bad for the body and it causes health risk

1 point

rather you can buy it from a respectable source or not will not change the way people use it

1 point

i support this because, addiction is hard to recover from and causes them to function in the wrong manner

1 point

i agree because it does not make you act out a certain way and the example she gave about the cigarette was a great example because her reasoning is correct.

1 point

i support this because they do things they should not due and it becomes a habit and in the future it is hard to stop so we should stop it as early as we can.

1 point

I support this because this is a very popular issue in today's era crime rate has been rising due to marijuana and other drugs and if this happens things would decrease

1 point

Another reason it should not be legal is because the crime rate. Drugs causes many problems not just drug problems but health issues and relationship/friendship and many others.

1 point

marijuana should not be legal because it harms the body and the memory becomes lost although it is popular it causes many health risk to the body.

1 point

Another reason why it should be legal is because the usage of jobs and the economy would not have to spend so much money on the criminal justice system that pertains to drugs. Marijuana is not the worse drug and i am not saying it is good but many people have developed a sense that that's the "new thing" and risk would be lower.

1 point

It should be legal because it can be used for health reasons also it less crime and drug rate if it is legal then crime risk would be lower.

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