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Colemanc's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Colemanc's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Whether it gets leagalized or not, people are still going to find a way to get ahold of it and either use it or sell it.

1 point

People can be addicted to marijuana even though its not a "hard drug"

1 point

I agree with this because when youre high youre not in the right state of mind. All sorts of things could go wrong!

1 point

I support this because when you begin taking a drug, you have that high chance of becoming addicted.

1 point

Whether you buy the marijuana off the street or somewhere else, I still feel that you dont always know what its going to be laced with. Its kind of like youre taking a gamble with it everytime you decide to smoke. I dont think it will really be seen as less harmful because of how it will still have an affect on the body.

1 point

You can get addicted to marijuana. If you say marijuana isnt addictive, then why do some people feel the need to depend on it to function properly?

1 point

I agree, it would free up the jails and they wouldnt be as crowded.

1 point

I agree with this because alcohol and cigarettes can be just as bad as marijuana. If marijuana has the same side effects as alcohol and cigarettes then why not just legalize it? People are going to find a way anyways to get to it and use it.

1 point

If Marijuana was legal in a way it would create more jobs, and thats always a good thing since people are always looking for a job.

1 point

I think Marijuana should be legal because either way people are going to find a way to get ahold of it and either use it, or sell it. If they made it legal then the jails wouldn't be filled with people who were selling it. That would free up room tremendously, and the jails wouldn't be as crowded.

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