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Charmylia's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Charmylia's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

people cant be addicted to this drug compared those on hard drugs

1 point

Although people become addicted to this drug it is less deadly than any other drug and cant cause real damage

1 point

ms sandifur is right the drug can still do damage to the brain and how people behave

1 point

Many people believe that marijuana is harmless, but that is completely not true. Marijuana can cause cancer and leads to lung damage, brain damage, and violence. No matter what people say, the government can't legalize marijuana, as it would be dangerous to society. Most states are doing the right thing by keeping it illegal.

1 point

Medical marijuana could cause addiction after the patient is cured

1 point

whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat

1 point

People are still abusing marijuana and being arrested for it Ms sandifur

1 point

Mariujana would become less dangerous and become seen as less harmful

1 point

it wont created a new market and produce income for those in that field

1 point

Legalizing marijuana wont decrease the use of illegal marijuana. Its like gambling, gambling is illegal but it doesn't stop people from gambling. So therefor legalizing it wont prevent abuse of marijuana

1 point

If we legalize medical marijuana there is a chance that people who are faking a disease could abuse the system, or forge a doctors note. Even the medical marijuana prescribed to patients could be stolen or abuse in some way.

1 point

It should be legalized because it has a use other than to get high. people use marijuana to to relieve stress and pain. People with cancer or other painful diseases have used marijuana to reduce pain and increase their hunger so that they are able to eat something.

1 point

Marijuana is less harmful then any other drug. Like cigarettes, it messes with your lungs. I mean, marijuana would do a little damage, but not that much. Drinking is bad too. Drinking is worse than anything, but people still drink knowing that it does harm. Marijuana should be legalized. That's what I think.

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