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Winston Sociology

Lledoa's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lledoa's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I disagree with your statement because cigarettes were sold before people looked into the chemical aspect of it, plus it had false advertisements.

1 point

I agree because in the children's case they are not thought the safety of drug addiction.

1 point

I disagree because that is due to the fact that people abuse the drug.

1 point

I agree because pharmaceutical drugs are the gateway drugs due to the fact that painkillers and legal drugs are easier to find and attain.

1 point

Just because they say it works does not mean it should be legalized. Because nothing should be legalize by hear say.

1 point

I disagree with this statement because marijuana can hurt a person because of the level of THC that they have taking. Taking high levels of THC causes a dependence on the drug.

1 point

I disagree because the drug is not the problem. The person taking it is because there are many levels of THC and the addiction of the drug would come from the persons abusing the drug.

1 point

Marijuana may irritate the respiratory system.

There are many ways to take marijuana but the most common way is to smoke it. which may end up irritating the airways, like increase phlegm and persistent cough.

1 point

Marijuana can stop the spreading of cancer.

Cancer spreads by creating more copies of the gene called Id-1, but researcher found that smoking weed will hamper this process and stop cancer from spreading through the body.

1 point

It can help with seizures because of the THC in it. The THC binds itself to the brain cells that regulate relaxation and control excitability.

1 point

Marijuana should not be legalized because it can impair your memory.

Several studies shows that pot smoking can affect long-term memory. Some studies also suggest that it can decrease IQ level.

1 point

Marijuana should be legalized because it can help with many diseases like control epileptic seizures.

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